Friday, November 7, 2008

Street luging down 61st Street

Long before I was aware of the sport of Luging, we used to do our own version of it in Brooklyn.

Take a single roller skate and place a foot-long, 2 x 4 perpendicular across the skate with equal amounts of the 2 x 4 hanging out on either side. Find a street with a decent downhill angle (61st Street between 3rd and 2nd Avenues in Bay Ridge was perfect for this). Place the small of your back down on the contraption and raise your legs in the air. You're flying baby! Use the two sides of the 2 x 4 to steer - and watch out for cars pulling out of parking spots! Your flying below their radar - they can't see you.

The speeds my friends and I attained were well above 30 MPH and it seemed like we were going much faster. Helmets? What's that? Click here for an interesting video of the contemporary sport of Street Luging.

The image above right is really in San Francisco but MAN! Can you imagine rolling down that hill on your back? 50-60 MPH, baby!